Three Generations of Experience

In 1912, Thomas Macaione, a recent emigrant from Sicily, and his horse-drawn carriage full of all of his equipment founded a painting company in Milwaukee, utilizing his old-world painting skills and experience with fine finishes. Shortly after establishing the business in the United States, he decided to change the family name to Mason, which was easier to pronounce and to embrace his new American life in Wisconsin.
By the early 1980’s, Dominic was ready to pass the family business on to his son’s, Thomas A. Mason and Steven J. Macaione who has reverted back to the family’s original surname. As teenagers, they worked in the family business, receiving hands on experience before eventually transitioning into management roles. The company, initially a father-son venture with six employees, operated for years from the office constructed in the basement of the founder’s downtown home. Working on mostly high-end, single and multi-family residential painting for decades the company eventually started advancing in to commercial painting, its primary area of business today.
In the late 1950’s, with just over 50 years in the painting business, Thomas Mason passed his knowledge, experience, and drive to his sone Dominic. Mason. From there, Dominic Mason kept growing the business that became a leader in the industry in the state of Wisconsin.

By 1997, Thomas A. Mason had expanded the business all over the state of Wisconsin, and in the surrounding area of the midwest. With further expansion goals, Thomas A. Mason was given to work on a beautiful resort in the mountains of Colorado. By this time, the business had evolved in to more commercial work than residential. From schools, fire stations, libraries, banks, clinics, ski/lodge resorts, cabins, hotels and condominiums, the company provided high-end finishing services. So he relocated his family to a mountain resort community in Colorado to help the expansion effort for the company.

Industry Leading
Thomas A. Mason Company has grown exponentially over the last 112 years. As an industry leader in both Wisconsin and Colorado, we welcome the opportunity to quote on both large and small-scale projects from new construction to interior/exterior renovations. Our company has earned a solid reputation for dependable performance, on time and on budget projects. Our experience can assure our many municipal, commercial, and industrial clients maximum performance on every project that we undertake.